If you are applying for jobs that you feel you are qualified for but not getting invited to interviews then your CV may be letting you down. Job seekers may have strong abilities but if their CVs do not reflect this then they have a problem. To connect with a employer your curriculum vitae must be straightforward and quickly amplify your strengths and showcase your talents.

Get a CV in 5 minutes with our CV Builder

It’s easy to use and you get access to lots of professional content to add.

Reasons for failure
There could be various reasons for your CV not connecting with a recruiter; it’s disorganized, too long, lacklustre, not relevant enough, the list goes on and on. Although there is no single ‘correct’ way to write a resume, there are various structures and formats you can use until you find one that works for you.


From cluttered to simple and basic
If you have a lot of experience under your belt and have trouble fitting it all into a suitable layout then focus on relevancy and simplicity. No matter what style, format or layout you prefer to use the golden rule is to always give the basic requirements and keep your CV straightforward and simple. Hiring managers quickly scan a CV looking for relevant keywords and phrases, make their job easier and they will thank you and reward you for it.

Very basic CVs which are short and not detailed are most suitable when applying for casual or temporary work. As a minimum they should contain the following information about you:

  • Name, address and contact details.
  • Education and qualifications.
  • Personal qualities.
  • Relevant skill sets.
  • Employment history.
  • Relevant work experience.

Remember if you get your CV right, then there is a very good chance you will that interview call.


Basic CV template examples
The online templates below will give you ideas on resume writing and your should tailor them to suit your individual situation. They act as guidelines that contain the structures for working through the components of a professional-looking CV.

IT CV template

Project manager CV templates

Chronological CV template


Tips on creating a basic CV template

  • Clearly list the variety of positions and range of job titles you have held.
  • Display the content in a organized and orderly layout.
  • Use well placed bullet points can draw the readers attention to key information.
  • Avoid the overuse of capital letters.
  • Exclude information that is meaningless to a employer i.e. your hobbies.
  • Use strategic spacing and punctuation to make it easier to read and navigate.


Details of previous employers
If you have worked for small companies or employers then you may need to add a few words explaining what they did. There is no need to write a long paragraph, one or two sentences will do.


Use columns
Enhance readability and make it clearer by using short columns to emphasis key information.


Use bold
If you want to show advancement in your field or with a particular employer then use the bold feature to highlight job titles, positions and promotions.


Related links:

Blank CV template examples

Functional CV layout

Main CV template page

Cover letter templates

Microsoft Word CV template

Simple CV template