The law requires certain procedures, safeguards and fire regulations to be in place in any workplace to help ensure the safety of its workers. Failure to comply with these regulations could in some circumstances lead to prosecutions. These health & safety regulations set down certain actions and equipment that must be provided and made available in the event of a fire hazard breaking out.
On this page we will set out to explain some of the precautions and occupational health requirements that you should have in place as per the Fire Precautions Act 1971.

The 1971 Act brought in various measures, for instance making it compulsory for premises like hotels and workplaces that had sleeping accommodation for more than 6 people, or employed more than 20 people to have a fire certificate from the local fire brigade.

If you as a director of a company are not sure about what you need to do to comply always seek the advice of a qualified fire safety consultants. Fire regulations basically mean that it is your duty to provide the following type of precautions action for your workers:-

A company or organization should initiate a fire risk assessment of its premises to identify potential risks that could be dangerous to its workers.

Then develop a strategy should then be developed to deal with any health and safety hazards flagged up in the risk assessment and to also develop a evacuation plan to deal with any real emergency situations.

They should then have a procedure in place to inform their staff of your findings and to give them the necessary fire training as required. This will help them deal with a real life emergency, for instance by showing them where the fire exits and means of escape are etc. Employers should also provide the necessary fire fighting equipment for the workplace. Always involve your workers or their representatives like trade unions in these procedures to ensure there is consensus.

You should select a responsible person from each department to be in charge and control of any evacuation situation.

Continually review and conduct regular risk assessments to ensure your identify any new risks.