Do you soak up useful information like a sponge? If so then why not challenge yourself and take some of our unique quizzes to test your knowledge and see if you really know your stuff.

On this page, you will find a bank of quizzes that are subject specific to particular job roles. They are designed to test you on how well you know your job, and are an excellent form of assessment that can measures an individual’s knowledge, skills and abilities. Aside from this they are also a good source of fun and entertainment to be enjoyed by those who want to have a go at questions designed to catch them out.

The correct answers to the questions are at the bottom of every page, allowing you to quickly mark yourself and see how well you score.


Get started
Below you will find links to a selection of our bespoke quizzes on a wide variety of subjects. They are free to take, simply click on the one that relates you to your job, profession or career.

Good luck!

Our online quizzes

Administrative Assistant quiz
Aptitude test
Chef quiz
Food hygiene quiz
HACCP quiz
Receptionist quiz
Teacher quiz


Benefits of online quizzes
Learning at all stages requires some form of assessment. Quizzes are an excellent way of helping you to test your knowledge of a particular subject. They can help you to remember what you have learned, assess what you know and encourage you to learn more. A quiz can help you to;

  • Improve your memory by helping you to retrieve information.
  • Remember information you have been studying.
  • Prepare for tests in the future.
  • Identify areas you need to study more.


Difference between a quiz and a test
Quizzes are shorter than tests, and require simple quick answers. Tests on the other hand tend to be longer, cover more material and require more complex answers. Both are an excellent way to gauge someone’s knowledge and determine their understanding of a particular subject.

Remember that we will be adding more quizzes in the future, so be sure to come back.


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