Driver Cover letter example 5


Contact name
Company name
Address 1
Address 2

14th October 2023


Dear …………,

As soon as I saw your posting for a Driver, I knew it was a perfect match for my experience, abilities, and future potential.

I can ensure that your delivery schedule is maintained by determining the most expedient trip. This is something I will do by carefully planning the shortest and best routes to clients based on destination and road traffic conditions etc.

I possess the correct mixture of being a fast worker who can carry out multiple pick-ups and drop-offs in each shift, that you seek in an applicant. Furthermore, I am a mature individual who is prepared to be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of any vehicle in my care. I am also a quick learner who can gain a thorough understanding of the local area and the most efficient routes in it.

I come to you as someone who can deliver people, products, goods, and parcels safely and efficient to designated local, national, or international locations. This combined with my ability to ensure that vehicles have sufficient gas and are always ready for use, makes me a perfect candidate for your vacancy. Please be assured that I will have no problem being able to get signatures, keep accurate records of costs accrued on a journey and ensure that all documentation is submitted to management on time.

For the last 3 years I have been employed by ………….. in a similar role to the one you are advertising. As part of my duties, I pack goods in the delivery vehicle in an organised manner that matches the order in which the deliveries will be made. I am also responsible for assisting clients with loading and unloading their products. With colleagues I have a reputation for being a well-groomed and highly motivated individual who always reports to work on time and in complete uniform. During my career I have driven a variety of vehicles, including motorbikes, cars, buses, and trucks, in severe or harsh weather conditions such as snow. I have learnt how to use navigational apps to determine the best route possible and also keep accurate count of gas usage, miles, and other data.

On a personal level I am able to remain focused and concentrate whilst driving long distances.
Furthermore, I have the stamina needed for this physically taxing role where people have to bend, twist, and walk. I possess the upper body strength required to lift heavy objects and load them into vehicles. I am also willing to do shift work outside normal hours, such as nights and weekends.

At this precise stage of my career, I am interested in a role such as yours that will provide me with a career path that can leads to senior positions for the right candidate.

My skills and qualifications are detailed further in the attached copy of my CV for your perusal at your earliest convenience. Thank you very much for taking the time to review my application. If you see potential in my application, then do not hesitate to contact me to arrange an interview.

Yours sincerely,


Address 1
Address 2
Tel: 0044 123 456 7890



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