Verbs are considered to be the most important part of a sentence or speech. They are an essential component of a sentence and one is not complete without it.

Verbs typically describe something being done and are therefore commonly described as being ‘action words’. These activity words can be used to explain both physical and mental actions. They make clear what a person is doing, how they are and what’s generally happening. For example ‘running’ and ‘thinking’ are both verbs. It is however important to remember that not every very is a ‘doing’ word.

They are used in every language and are essential in helping you get your message across more effectively to the reader.


Here are some examples of verbs;

Example 1

’The traffic warden wrote out a parking ticket. ‘
In the above sentence the word ‘wrote’ is the verb, as it describes something being done.

Example 2

‘Harry thought about going to the concert.’
In this example the verb is ‘thought’ as it shows a mental action. Harry has ‘considered’ doing something.


Below are examples of verbs that are not action words:

Example 3

’Philip is a good boy.’
In this sentence ‘is’ is the verb as it describes a point about Philip.


Verbs can also be more than one specific word. Depending on the sentence and topic they can be up to three words long.

Example 4

’Today it has been snowing all day long.’
In the above example the verb is ’has been snowing’.


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