Maxine Curry
Dayjob Limited
The Big Peg
120 Vyse Street
Birmingham B18 6NF
T: 0044 121 638 0026


Maxine never has a day where she wakes up and does not want to go to work. She takes her teaching responsibilities seriously, has a keen sense of urgency about her, and tries to maximize every minute of her working day. She has a track record of establishing classroom environments that are pupil, knowledge and assessment centered. With her present employer she is widely recognised for her expertise and positive influence on students. As a true professional she is someone who always embraces feedback and takes constructive criticism in the spirit of constant improvement. On a personal level she has a thirst for knowledge, excellent working habits and a willingness to take the initiative. Her key skills include inspiring students to seek out answers for themselves and promoting teamwork within the Science Department. Right now she is looking for a suitable position with a School that is looking to recruit talented and driven Science teachers.


Science teacher – Start Date – Present
Employers name – Location
Responsible for guiding students to fulfil their intellectual, emotional, physical, and social potential.


  • Teaching students how to think scientifically.
  • Explaining the basic concepts of science.
  • Getting scientific discussions going within a classroom.
  • Posing problems or questions to students and then asking them to come up with answers.
  • Ensuring that students learn the key facts about a particular topic.
  • Dealing with inappropriate classroom behaviour quickly and effectively.
  • Explaining natural events and the nature of science to pupils.
  • Teaching new and evolving scientific theories.
  • Empathising with students when they are having difficulty getting their head around a particular topic.
  • Encouraging good practice with regards to pupil’s punctuality, behaviour and standards of academic work.
  • Encouraging students to explore the scientific world around them.
  • Showing pupils how to work out chemical equations.
  • Putting away teaching material such as book at the end of a class.
  • Attending teacher training events.
  • Occasionally visiting students at their home and talking to their parents.
  • Helping the school to recruit new teachers.

JOB TITLE – Start Date – End Date
Employers name – Location

JOB TITLE – Start Date – End Date
Employers name – Location


Teaching Science

  • Building aspirations within pupils.
  • Keeping up to date with the ever changing nature of science.
  • Able to develop own course content and instructional methods.
  • Explaining things in a way that students will be able to understand.
  • Willing to assume responsibility for student achievement.
  • Ability to bring teaching to life.
  • Supporting a pupils growth and development.


  • Always striving for academic excellence.
  • Working relentlessly to hit goals and targets.
  • Teaching students about life after school.


Teaching science
Marking homework
Setting exams


University name  –  Degree details           Study Dates
College name      –  Qualifications                Study Dates
School name       –  Subjects / Grades          Study Dates


Available on request.



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