Your CV should be written as if it were a project plan. It must be well organised, structured and targeted at the needs of the employer.

In the job hunting world, you’ve only got seconds to grab an employer’s attention. The best way to do this is to write your CV with a specific job in mind.

On this occasion the target being a Project Engineers position. When writing you CV for this role, focus on your ability to meticulously plan and execute project engineering strategies that exceed industry standards.

The guide on this page will show you how to write a CV, and the prewritten examples will show you how to make it stand out.

By: Iejaz Uddin – 27 April 2024


Page overview:

  • Project Engineer CV examples
  • Guide to writing an Project Engineer CV
  • Write a resume personal summary
  • List your work experience
  • Describe your skills
  • Include an Education section



Project Engineer CV example


Maxine Corry
T: 0044 123 456 7890


Maxine has a successful record of leading projects and coordinating staff. The secret to her success if her ability to keep the big picture of a project in mind and ensure this vision is realised. You can fully rely on her to apply engineering principles to project planning, design, construction, and technical standards. She will always ensure technical integrity through setting best practice and providing a high level of technical guidance on all Project Engineering related matters.

Has a deep and thorough understanding of an engineering projects technical aspects combined with real-world hands-on experience of leading teams. Is an expert at anticipating any potential project risks, by identifying then beforehand and having in place corrective actions for them. In a nutshell you can rely on her to minimize the risks associated with engineering projects.

In her current role she plays a critical figure in every engineering project. Her main duty is to be the technical point of coordination between the senior project managers and the engineering department. At work she has a reputation for meticulously ensuring that every aspect of a project meets its required standards and specifications. Through her career she has learnt how to review the work produced by others, provide feedback to those underperforming and then identify corrective action. She has also gained a good understanding of the latest engineering principles.

On a personal level she has strong verbal and written communication skills and the ability to cultivate good relationships.

Right now, looking for a suitable role with a company that wants to employ proven operators who get things done.



PROJECT ENGINEER – Start Date – Present
Employers name – Location
Responsible for a projects budgeting, personnel and planning and for making sure the project is finished on time.


  • Being the bridge between the project manager and the technical engineering aspects of a
  • Preparing accurate calculations, detailed work procedures and in-depth risk assessments.
  • Identifying and specifying the mechanical components and tools required for a project.
  • Interpreting client briefs and establishing a project plan to meet them.
  • Actively contributing to meetings and discussions.
  • Establishing project criteria and coordinating project reviews.
  • In charge of preparing, scheduling, and coordinating the assigned engineering projects.
  • Interacting on a daily basis with clients to interpret their needs and requirements.
  • Acquiring the appropriate staff, materials, and equipment required for a engineering project.
  • Ensuring that a project delivers to the agreed standards and specifications.
  • Troubleshooting issues and working with team members to resolve problems or setbacks.
  • Delegating tasks and responsibilities to appropriate team members based on their skills and then checking to ensure they have been done.
  • Maintaining cleanliness in all work activities to ensure health and safety standards on-site.
  • Keeping an eye on all relevant safety objectives and legal requirements.
  • Making sure that project teams remain focused on their responsibilities at all times.
  • Reacting promptly and effectively to changing client and project needs.
  • Controlling project costs by approving expenditures and closely monitoring contractor invoices.
  • Supporting and leading process improvement activities at every opportunity.
  • Tracking budget spend to ensure that costs are kept to an absolute minimum.
  • Determining project responsibilities by identifying project phases and elements that need to be completed.

JOB TITLE – Start Date – End Date
Employers name – Location



  • Possess a long list of certifications from professional institutions and relevant accreditation bodies.
  • Excellent decision-making abilities and leadership skills.
  • Ability to plan projects, organize tasks, and manage resources efficiently to meet deadlines.
  • Track record of making sure that all legal requirements are met throughout the project.
  • Can read and interpret engineering drawings.
  • Building morale amongst teams through close contact with them.
  • Ability to work within budgets and to deadlines.


  • Capacity to make informed decisions quickly and effectively, especially under pressure.
  • Knowledge of applicable codes, policies, standards, and best practices.



Business administration
Process Development
Time management
Resource management
Process improvement
Technical understanding
Commercial awareness



University name  –  Degree details              Study Dates
College name      –  Qualifications                Study Dates
School name       –  Subjects / Grades          Study Dates



Available on request.


Project Engineer CV


Project Engineer CV sample



Guide to writing a Project Engineer CV


It can be challenging writing a good Project Engineer CV, but it doesn’t have to be. In this guide, we’ll go over how to create an effective one that will help you land a job in project engineering.

A CV is a marketing tool and the first thing that recruiters look at when reviewing your job application. It’s therefor vital that you make it as good as possible. This can only be done by investing time in it to make it as unique as possible and focused on the vacancy you want.

Use the advice below to navigate the entire CV writing process and stand out from the rest of pack who are chasing the same vacancy you are.


CV Structure

The structure and format of your CV is important.

Although what you write in a CV will win over a hiring manager, how it looks will demonstrate to the employer that you have spent time on making it visually appealing. This will be noted and appreciated it.

There are several different formats you can choose from. Picking the right one depends on the role you are applying for as well as your experience. The main types out there are chronological, skills based (also known as functional) and hybrid (also known as combination). There are other less used ones such as video and creative, but these are for specialist roles.

No matter which one you choose, it must contain all the following sections:



Chronological CV

This is the most prevalent layout used in the job seeking world. It’s conservatively laid out, starting with the personal profile, then work experience, skill sets, and finally academic qualifications. It’s ideal for candidates with a linear career history, as it prioritizes their relevant work experience over everything else.


Skills based CV

Functional layouts as they are also known highlight a person’s skills more than their work history. It draws the reader’s attention towards any relevant competencies and away from any lack of hands-on experience. This makes it perfect for candidates just entering the jobs market as well as career changers and those with gaps in their employment history.


Combination CV

A versatile layout that merges the strongest and most relevant points of both the chronological and functional CVs together. It’s most used by those who are new to a sector as it allows them to emphasise their skills and accomplishments above their work experience. Conversely, it allows you to place equal emphasis on both your employment history and competencies.


Project Engineer personal summary

This is an opportunity for you to talk directly to the recruiter. It’s an introductory statement that introduces you to the reader. A well-crafted summary can be a powerful tool in showing your value to potential employers.

Start your CV with strong personal summary that aligns you with the vacancy you’re applying for. Write a highly tailored one that combines your recent professional accomplishments with your future potential. Use it to set a positive tone for the rest of your CV by immediately stressing how you can and plan to contribute to the employers’ operations.

Remembers to showcase your engineering expertise in the employers’ specific areas of engineering, such as civil, mechanical, or electrical. Do this by directly stating how your managerial experience, successful track record and knowledge of engineering methodologies meet the employers’ requirements. After this, mention your record of taking on challenging projects and on a personal level your passion for project engineering as a whole.

Keep it simple, concise, and relevant. A summary is typically no more than 5 sentences long. Just enough to make a personable impression on recruiters speaking directly to them as if they were sitting in front of you.


List your Project Engineer work experience

A key part of your CV where you tell the reader what you’ve done in your working life.

This section is a great opportunity to show recruiters the positive impact you’ve had in previous jobs and give them an idea of your career trajectory. Through it give employers an insight into your real world project engineering experience.

Make your CV competitive by placing emphasis on the complex projects you’ve successfully managed. Include ones that demonstrate your technical proficiency, ability to lead and determination to overcome obstacles.

Avoid just having a list of duties that you’ve done, instead quantify your achievements with metrics. To make it more impactful, use data points and statistics to demonstrate the value you’ve brought to previous employers.

Focus on the core competencies required for this role, namely on your ability to lead teams and deliver successful projects. Additionally, showcase any career progression you achieved through promotions, commendations, and any increased responsibility you were given.

Related: How to write work experience on a CV


Describe your Project Engineer skills

Use this section to stress that you possess the diverse range of key skills and expertise necessary to excel as a project engineer.

Do this by including a equally balanced list of your hard technical competencies and soft people skills.

Remember that recruiters usually scan CV’s looking for keywords that describe project management skills. For this reason alone, you must weave industry specific jargon and phrases that describe the expertise they’re looking for. At all costs avoid stuffing your CV with generic words that can apply to any role.

Also include your soft skills. These are used to show you adaptability, communication skills, work ethic, emotional intelligence, and ability to work as part of a team. A key aim is to portray yourself as a sociable and determined individual who is willing to go the extra mile to get a job done.


Include an Education section

In a technical field like this, having the right academic credentials is crucial and can be deciding factor amongst equally experienced candidates.

Therefore, include a rich education section that lists the school, college, and universities that you have studied at. Place most emphasis on those qualifications most relevant to the role you are applying for.

Always start with your most recent qualifications and work backwards. First list your degree, followed by any related courses, training accreditations and certifications.



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