Maxine Curry
The Big Peg
120 Vyse Street
Birmingham B18 6NF
T: 0044 121 638 0026


A capable operator who can be relied upon to make sure that all the aims of a project are met. Maxine manages her work through the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques. She can control projects and programs to achieve specific strategic business objectives. Her belief is that it’s better to succeed at a few tasks than to attempt and then fail at many. Coming from a background in business management means that she can be relied upon to carry out the most difficult of tasks. Aside from all the above she is also a superb relationship builder who creates bonds with people by being able to remember certain personal details about them. Right now, she is hungry to learn more about project management, and is currently looking for a suitable position with a forward thinking company that wants to recruit talented people with potential.



IT PROJECT MANAGER – Start Date – Present
Employers name – Location
Responsible for providing project teams with a vision and a roadmap for success and serving and empowering them to get there.


  • Assembling and coordinating cross-functional project teams.
  • Estimating a projects budget and being very accurate about it.
  • Recognizing and understanding competing organization requirements and then optimizing project resources to best meet these needs.
  • Using project management software to carry out duties.
  • Ensuring that all IT projects are delivered on-time, within scope and to budget.
  • Monitoring sub-contractors and third parties to ensure that guidelines are maintained.
  • Communicating the status of a project to all stakeholders.
  • Leading multidisciplinary projects within IT Service Delivery.
  • Drawing up project plans that will support the delivery of the various IT projects being undertaken.
  • Producing clear status reports and project presentations.

JOB TITLE – Start Date – End Date
Employers name – Location

JOB TITLE – Start Date – End Date
Employers name – Location




  • Using frequent and effective communication to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • Keeping abreast of new and emerging technologies, as well as other developments in the current area of my work.
  • Creating and maintaining comprehensive project documentation.
  • Willingness to travel and work overtime, and on weekends with short notice.
  • Ability to gather and analyze facts, draw conclusions, define problems, and suggest solutions.
  • Resolving any stakeholder conflict with diplomacy and tact.


  • Determined and never giving up on something midway.
  • Can work with people from all social backgrounds.
  • Hardworking and always being the first to arrive and the last to leave.



Quality Management
Risk assessment
People skills
Information technology
Inspiring others



University name  –  Degree details              Study Dates
College name      –  Qualifications                Study Dates
School name       –  Subjects / Grades          Study Dates



Available on request.



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