A Recruitment Consultant’s day typically revolves around sourcing suitable candidates through channels such as job boards, contact, social media, and professional networks.

In today’s competitive jobs market, hiring managers can be flooded with 100’s of applications for these much sought after and well-paid positions. That’s not the only obstacle you have to overcome. Employers typically use automated Applicant Tracking Systems to weed out less qualified candidates. To not only stand out, but also get past the ATS, you’ve got to produce something special.

In this guide you’ll learn how to explain your primary achievements and list those experiences which will contribute to your success in a new environment. Combined these will maximise your chances of getting in front of an interview selection panel.

By: Iejaz Uddin – Updated 27 May 2024


Page overview:

  • Recruitment Consultant CV examples
  • CV Structure
  • Guide to writing a Recruitment Consultant CV
  • Write a CV personal summary
  • List your work experience
  • Describe your skills
  • Include an Education section
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Recruitment consultant CV Frequently Asked Questions


Recruitment Consultant CV examples


Samantha Lewis
Phone: 0123 456 7890
E: info@dayjob.com



A energetic, ambitious and enthusiastic professional who has prior experience of maintaining existing client relationships and also generating new ones. Possessing commercial awareness and excellent presentation, verbal communication and organisational skills. Having a proven ability to meet and exceed set sales targets as well as the relevant administrative, commercial, sales and personnel work experience required for a successful recruitment consultant.

Presently looking for rewarding employment with a employer who provides a direct link between efforts made and financial bonuses.



Recruitment Agency
RECRUITMENT CONSULTANT     –    May 2008 – Present
Working long hours contacting employers and clients and talking to them to gain a better understanding of their requirements and needs. Then building a understanding of their industry and corporate culture and finally scouting for potential employees for their open positions.


  • Helping clients to find suitable candidate to fill their vacancies.
  • Involved with the marketing department to devise job adverts.
  • Placing adverts in relevant market journals and publications, job boards and local press.
  • Making phone calls to candidates who are judged to be eligible.
  • Conducting phone interviews with prospective candidates.
  • Describing the work duties, salary and benefits of a particular vacancy.
  • Doing background checks and verifying the references, work experience and academic qualifications of applicants.
  • Screening, testing and assessing candidates.
  • Developing a relationship with interviewees.
  • Receiving and reading through the CVs that job seekers have sent in to the recruitment agency.
  • Arranging interviews with candidates who have been short listed for a position.
  • Drawing up short lists of suitable candidates.
  • Involved in negotiating the salary between the client and the candidate.
  • Attending job fairs on the companies behalf, standing at a staff and talking with graduates and job seekers.
  • Attending network events and using marketing to attract suitable and potential candidates.
  • Updating the recruitment agency database with the details of potential candidates.
  • Assisting applicants with their interview techniques.
  • Calling up a candidate and informing them if they have been successful or unsuccessful in their application.
  • Cold calling companies to generate more business for the recruitment agency.
  • Attending meetings with clients at their offices.
  • Ensuring the compliance of any temporary worker or contractor placed.
  • Giving clients advice and guidance on appropriate pay rates, training and career development.
  • Building own database of clients and contacts.



Recruitment competencies:

  • Having in depth knowledge of the recruitment industry.
  • Experience of filling both temporary and permanent positions.
  • Experienced in daily time planning.
  • Have a business to business sales background.
  • Can produce mail shots and marketing literature to develop business areas.
  • Strong track record of customer and applicant control.
  • Experience of social media sourcing.
  • Extensive knowledge of how businesses work.


  • Enjoy working in a highly pressurised with demanding sales environment.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and able to communicate effectively.
  • Focused on results and goals orientated.
  • Professional, intuitive and analytical in approach to issues and projects.
  • Able to run own desk without being micro managed.
  • Promoting all available employees through candidate marketing calls.
  • Confident and diplomatic when talking to people.
  • Quick and efficient.



Head hunting
Negotiating contracts
Positive attitude
Eye for detail
Desire to win
People skills
Ability to sell



Evesham North University           2005 – 2008
BA (Hons) Business Studies

Coventry North School               2003 – 2005
A levels:     Math (C)   English (C)   Physics (B)


REFERENCES – Available on request.



Recruitment Consultant CV example



Guide to writing a Recruitment Consultant CV


You need something very special to stand out in the highly competitive HR industry.

Follow the guide below to do that and win that all important job interview.

Throughout your CV always focus on those skills that most resonate with the job you are applying for. Do this by strictly concentrating on your most relevant experience, and if you have any impressive achievements list those as well. Also, give examples of the obstacles you’ve overcome, the solutions you’ve implemented, and the results you’ve achieved.

On a personal level, mention your excellent communication and organizational skills, as well as ability to manage multiple duties simultaneously. The right soft skills coupled with relevant hard ones, will make you that all round candidate that everyone wants.


Guide overview

  • CV structure
  • Recruitment Consultant personal summary
  • Work experience
  • Skills section
  • Include an Education section
  • Hobbies and interests


CV Structure

With competition in the UK jobs market fierce, you need to do everything possible to stay ahead of the pack. Although it may not seem obvious, but by laying out your CV effectively you can increase the odds of beating the competition.

Think of the CV structure as the foundation on which to build your job application.


Chronological CV format

Busy recruiters prefer the chronological format, thereby making it the most used design and the one jobseekers are most familiar with. It starts with your most recent position and moves backwards.


CV Layout

Aim to arrange your documents contents in a way that’s easy on the eye. At all costs steer clear of confusing CV structures where the categories are disorganised. You want something that is clear and easy for the human eye to scan.

Below is a list of the different sections of a CV layout and the order they should be in:


Contact details

Your CV and job application is useless if the recruiter cannot contact you. That’s why importance of your phone and email should not be underestimated. In this space list your current email, address and phone number.


Personal summary

As the first paragraph a potential new employer usually reads, your personal summary should be expertly written and professionally presented. The golden rule is to keep it short and sweet by ensuring it does not go over 5 lines. There is absolutely no need to include everything you have every done, instead, only add what is necessary.


Work experience

When it comes to your employment history use your work experience to showcase your relevant skills and abilities. Break down you career history section further by using bullet points to list duties specific to the role. Mention everything relevant from paid employment to volunteering, apprenticeships and inter placements.



Further cement your suitability for the role by mentioning your expertise in a particular task. Remember that employers tend to hire people who have the right mix of hard and soft skills.



Apart from schools and colleges you attended, it’s also the place to list your related certificates, diplomas, and general degree courses. Do this in reverse chronological order. There is no need to list unrelated short training courses.


Interest and hobbies

This is an optional field where you can explain what you do outside of work. Although not as important as other sections, if candidates are evenly matched it can be the ‘final straw’ that helps you to beat the competition and move on to the next step of the hiring process.


CV Length

Hiring Managers are human, just like everyone else and can quickly lose interest in lengthy documents. There is therefore absolutely no need to send across your autobiography. Employers want to see facts not fiction. Give them what they want by presenting your most pertinent information as concisely as possible.

Related: How long should a CV be?


Write a Recruitment Consultant CV personal summary

Do not underestimate the power of a well-crafted introductory profile. Written properly it can make you sound like the right person for the job.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for writing an enticing personal summary.

However, there are certain rules you should follow. The main ones being that it should be clearly worded and short enough for a recruiter to scan quickly. Additionally, and probably most importantly it should be targeted at the job you are applying for. In all circumstances, be sure to write simple to understand sentences that clearly convey the message you’re trying to get across.

By following the simple points in this guide, you will greatly increase your chances of success.


First or third person?

It’s a question that many people ask. The answer is that both of these perspectives are acceptable for a personal profile.

First person example:

  • “I am a proven recruitment specialist…”.


Third person example:

  • “A proven recruitment specialist who is looking for a role in…”.


Whichever option you choose, keep it consistent throughout your CV.


Personal summary example:


Recruitment Consultant CV Personal Summary



List your Recruitment Consultant work experience

In a results-based industry like recruitment, to stand out you’ve got to be able to prove what you can do. This is why you should back up an career claims with statistical evidence and figures. Remember everyone can say they are achievers, but not everyone can prove it.

Confidently apply for your next job by using your past work experiences to reaffirm your suitability for the position. The more your experiences correlates with the role, the more chance you have of being selected for it.

Focus more on you current and recent roles rather than those over 10 years old. For these explain in detail your job duties, responsibilities and achievements. For older roles, just give the bare minimum of employer’s name, job title and dates.


Separate your achievements and work duties

Have separate headed sections for what you have done and what you have achieved. If you’ve boosted the company’s performance or numbers in some way, put this in a separate field. Breaking it up this way also helps to make it more readable.

Related: How to include achievements in a CV



Recruitment Consultant work experience



Describe your Recruitment Consultant skills

Below is a list of highly relevant skill sets specific to the recruitment industry. They can convince a prospective employer that you have what it takes to be effective at your job.


In your CV show you can:

  • Source and place people looking for work into suitable roles.
  • Create a recruitment strategy that delivers results.
  • Quickly scan CVs to identify candidates that are the best fit for a position.
  • Complete thorough background and reference checks to ensure a candidate is who they say they are.
  • Put together a comprehensive candidate persona for each vacancy.
  • Build long-term and profitable client relationships.
  • Utilise applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter out undesirables from 100’s of CV’s, resumes and cover letters.
  • Simultaneously handle multiple priorities and work to tight deadlines in a competitive environment.


Areas to focus on when writing a Recruitment Consultant CV:

  • Matching the best candidates to the best jobs.
  • Your ability to cultivate meaningful relationships with both clients, employers, and candidates.
  • How you can source suitable candidates using channels such as job boards, social media, networking events, and referrals.
  • Experience of the entire recruitment process, from the initial candidate engagement to employment and onboarding.
  • Your commitment to staying abreast of industry trends and best practices in the recruitment industry and field of talent acquisition.
  • Ability to offer effective CV, interview, and general career advice to candidates.


Recruitment campaigns

  • Determining and clearly defining the objectives and targets of a recruitment campaign i.e. the job role(s) that need to be filled.
  • Identifying the target audience and type of candidate the campaign is to be aimed at, for instance the required experience and qualifications.
  • Selecting the social media platforms and online job boards on which to launch the campaign.


Sourcing candidates

  • Headhunting suitable applicants through referrals and contacts.
  • Conducting cold calling and lead generation activities to identify potential candidates for open positions.
  • Tactfully approaching suitable candidates who may already be in work.


Candidate vetting

  • Carrying out comprehensive candidate screenings through interviews and assessments to ensure they meet the clients’ requirements.
  • Screening CV’s and conducting initial interviews to assess candidate qualifications and fitness for a role.
  • Running background checks on a candidate’s employment history, education, criminal record, credit history, proof of identity and right to work.



  • Helping applicants to prepare for interviews with prospective employers.
  • Communicating with candidates through phone calls, video calls, email, and networking events.
  • Holding virtual and face to face interviews with potential employees.


Recruitment processes

  • Knowledge of how to negotiate profitable but fair contracts with both new and existing clients.
  • Maintaining accurate administrative records of both candidates and clients.
  • Presenting suitable candidates to clients in a professional manner.
  • Inputting a job applicants’ CVs and contact details into a database for future reference and searching.


Organisational skills

  • Strong organisational skills with the ability to prioritise tasks effectively.
  • Proficiency with content management systems.
  • Knowledge of recruitment and human resources management administrative practices and procedures.



  • Can work effectively as part of a diverse team of specialists.
  • Find it easy to develop effective working relationships with colleagues and professionals in other agencies.
  • Able to operate as part of an entrepreneurial team to maximise the recruitment agencies commercial performance.


Hard and soft skills list:


Recruitment Consultant CV skills



Include an Education section

Many job seekers see this as the easiest section of their CV to write. This is not entirely true.

Even if you have years of experience and tons of skills, it’s always good practice to carefully write up a professional looking education section that includes your academic achievements.

Whether it’s a vocational course like a BTEC, an industry certification or a university degree, a relevant qualification proves to the employer that you have know-how about their industry. This in turn can be all it takes to give you a competitive advantage over other equally matching candidates.

You will also impress a prospective employer with your ability to learn and pick up new skills. If you’ve done exceptionally well in particular subjects or come top of the class then be sure to make this prominent.


What academic qualifications to focus on:

  • If you’ve graduated from a prestigious and highly regarded university.
  • Obtained excellent academic results.
  • Professional qualifications or formal certifications that are a pre-requisite for the position you’re applying for.



Recruitment Consultant CV education



Hobbies and interests

Give your CV a boost and make it more individual by including this valuable section that tells the recruiter what you do in your leisure time. Apart from everything else, it’s a great way to build a more personal connection with a potential employer.

When deciding which hobbies to list always consider their relevancy to the job you are applying for. Will they help you or hinder you by taking up valuable white space that you could better use?


What to avoid

Exclude hobbies that can have an adverse effect on your application by showing you as immature, unprofessional or a dangerous thrill seeker.


Examples of hobbies you could include:


Designing, drawing, and painting

These types of interest show a person’s creative skills, ideal for sectors where you must think outside of the box.



It’s not all about sports or social activities. Volunteering and helping out at local organisations, communities or charities can also be seen as a past time.


Where to place hobbies on your CV?

They typically go at the bottom of your CV, below everything and just above the last ‘References‘ section. This way you avoid overshadowing the main sections of your CV.


Recruitment Consultant Hobbies for CV



Recruitment consultant CV Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is the main role of a recruitment consultant?

Their main role is to create and build a bank of people to fill vacancies either right away or in the future. They do this by sourcing, screening and then shortlisting suitable candidates.

Aside, from this they must also market the services of their agency to their potential clients. This involves spending a lot of time cold calling employers looking for staff.

Furthermore, with so much information at their disposal, they must be good administrators who can keep and maintain records of clients, employers, and vacancies.


2. What is the most important recruitment skill?

The first and foremost requirement is being able to build relationships with job seekers and employers.

Although being a strong communicator is a requirement for many roles, it is especially valuable in the recruitment industry. This is because you not only have to talk purposefully to candidates, but also negotiate terms with business savvy employers. You will also be acting as the intermediary between with these two parties.

All these tasks require an ability to quickly build trusting bonds with people from all walks of life, including high end decision makers.


3. What qualities make a good recruitment consultant?

Being able to find the right candidate for a vacancy, requires a thick-skinned operator who can spend all day on the phone and bounce back from setbacks.
Personality wise, you need to be someone who is pleasant to work with and who gets along with people from all backgrounds and cultures.



Self-confident person who believes in their ability to reach their goals. They display a positive attitude through their behaviour and body language as well as how they speak and what they say. All of this rubs off on their colleagues and also inspires them.



Always representing their employer’s brand in a professional manner when meeting with third parties.


A resilient sales professional who can work in a fast-paced, challenging and highly competitive industry.



In the complex and ever-changing world of recruitment, you need to be highly organised, and detail orientated. It’s the only way to stop yourself from being overwhelmed by having to juggle multiple clients, job openings and CV applications as well as maintain a database of candidates.



Recruitment CV links

Recruitment Officer CV template

Recruitment coordinator CV example

Recruitment Manager CV example

Trainee recruitment consultant CV sample


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