Do you need help putting together a good CV? Not sure how to write something that gets you noticed and shows your strongest points? If the answer is yes to both of these questions then you’ve come to the right place. On this page we have links to over 1000 various CV & Resume examples that if used properly will show you how to explain yourself clearly, thereby greatly increasing the impact your application has on employers and hiring managers.

Save yourself hours of work and much head scratching by using our original and ready made examples to produce an interview winning CV that shows your creativity and determination.

On this page you will find links to 100’s of dayjob’s very own professionally written and designed CV template examples. All of them are available for job seekers to view, download and use as guidance to get tips of what to put in their CV, how to write it and how best to utilize space in it.

Most of the CV examples are in PDF format, to view them simply click on the relevant industry sector below to find the one that fits the job your after.


CV examples by sector

It’s hard to write things about yourself. Finding the right words to express your skills and personal qualities is not easy without appearing bossy or arrogant. Below are links to a list of pre-written soft skills that can be applied in any job. These personality traits are extremely valuable to employers and the examples given include the all important generic keywords that can be used in any CV.

Click on the keyword links below to see relevant pre-written example sentences for that soft skill.



Decision Making





Hard working



Positive person

Problem solving


Team player

Spell checking your CV

To be in with a chance of getting that all important interview you need to be able to write a CV that has good grammar and no spelling mistakes.

It is vital that you proof read your final CV before sending it out to employers. One way to do this is to use an online spell checker. These are useful tools that will check your document and not only flag up any inaccuracies, but also offer to automatically correct them. Online spell checkers are a quick and easy way to thoroughly go through your CV and rectify any mistakes.


Advantages of using an online spell checker

They can…

  • Save you a significant amount of time (no need for you to go through it manually).
  • Correct all instances of a misspelled word at once.
  • Give you suggestions to words that you may not have thought of.
  • Come up with grammatical suggestions.


Click on any CV below to see it’s full PDF version. If you are interested in purchasing the fully editable versions of the CV examples below (cost is ONLY £5 for all the examples) then click here CV TEMPLATE PURCHASE.

Not sure or confident about how to put together a CV? No problem, use this template as a guide.


CV example 1       A eye catching single page design.

CV example 2      Two page ready made format.

CV example 3      Concise one page layout.

CV example 4      Another single page resume.

CV example 5      Two page format, ideal if you have had many previous employers.

CV example 6      A functional CV design, perfect for focusing on your skill sets and experience.

CV example 7     A 2 page layout, that allows for up to five previous employers to be listed.

CV example 8     This one page resume concentrates on a job seekers academic record and abilities.

CV example 9     A superb and popular two page design.

CV example 10    Single page functional CV example.

CV example 11    One page resume that concentrates more on professional skills rather than work history.

CV example 12    Functional CV layout, two pages long.


Our bank of ready made resumes cover over 350 job roles of various professional levels and are perfect for people from all walks of life and industries. They can be used for full-time or part-time jobs, internal roles, external positions, promotions, new jobs, career changes, internships and work experience placements.

Writing a good resume is hard work, save yourself a lot of time and research by taking the opportunity to use our superb CV Builder, examples and the other career resources. These professionally designed and developed templates can help you put together a hard hitting and interview winning CV that sets you apart from the competition and helps you get that all important ‘foot in the door’.


How the CV examples on this page can help you
Remember that your CV is almost always the first and only opportunity you will have to communicate directly with a recruiter. It is a sales and marketing document that needs to be clear and simple so that a potential employer can quickly find the information they need about you.

Most CVs tend to look very similar, making it that much harder for a recruiter to distinguish between job applicants. There are various reasons for this but the most common one is because job seekers use CV templates or formats that tend to have the same layout and design. The best way to stand out from everyone else and get noticed is to have a resume that is original and unique. Become visible, be seen and get to the interview stage by developing an effective document that makes you shine and also demonstrates your ability to communicate.

Become a successful candidate and get short listed by using our CV examples to:

  • Write a first CV.
  • Revamp an existing CV.
  • Write a CV for a new career.
  • Target a CV at a specific job.

Many recruiters still instantly judge applicants on the appearance of their CV, and will typically decide within 30 seconds of picking one up to either discard it or put it in a pile to be reviewed later. It’s therefore vital that you design a curriculum vitae that makes you more appealing, attractive and marketable than other applicants. The resumes on this page can help you in this endeavor as they are packed with job specific keywords and phrases and have their own creative layouts that will give you excellent ideas on how to improve your writing style and create a unique and interesting document.


Why it’s important to be unique and stand out
You can be sure that the vast majority of applicants (perhaps as high as 80%) who apply for a job will be like you suitably qualified and experienced for the position. Many will possibly have the same qualifications as you and similar work experience, so the question arises:

If you are so alike, how can you make yourself look different?

The answer if to focus on your CV layout and to also show your ability to communicate effectively by writing something that is unusual and interesting. Remember that the uniformity of most CVs is also an opportunity for you. If you were to produce a document that looked different, was easy to read (not boring) and quickly explained your relevant abilities then you would almost certainly make yourself visible and stand out from the crowd.

How to use the CV examples on this page

There are links to 100’s of unique and professionally written CV samples on this page. They are excellent resources and unique documents that have been researched, targeted and written for specific job roles. Each one is adaptable to your own circumstances and requirements and  are full of useful keywords and tips that will show you how to produce:

  • Short positive, punchy and informative sentences that are on average 12 words long.
  • Factual information that is logical and relevant to the job.
  • Accurate industry specific keywords and phrases.
  • Proof read content that has also been checked for spelling mistakes.
  • Personal summaries that are clear and innovative.
  • Change words and phrases to suit different jobs.
  • Work duties that show your achievements and capabilities.
  • Text that has been justified.
  • Layouts that are visually attractive.

Tips to follow when writing your CV:

  • Try to put yourself in the recruiters shoes, what exactly are they looking for from a applicant?
  • Don’t be shy, shout about your achievements and capabilities.
  • Write and target your curriculum vitae at the job you are applying for.
  • Put a positive emphasis on everything you have done.
  • In your personal summary or career statement show you are enthusiastic for the job.
  • Be truthful, do not exaggerate or lie.

When you are trying to describe your work duties and achievements then prioritize on giving examples that are relevant to the vacancy.

Disclosing a criminal conviction on your CV

Finding the format that works for you

If you are regularly applying for suitable jobs that you are qualified or skilled for and not getting invited to interviews then you may have a problem with your CV. You need to keep changing your resume until you find one that works for you. Remember that a particular variation that might work for your work colleague may not be suitable for you. Do not be afraid to change text, alter your writing style or move things around.


Where to place your name and contact details
It is advisable to place your name, address, email, home and mobile telephone numbers at the bottom of your CV. The reason for this is that the top or beginning of your CV is the first thing a recruiter will see and is a prime location. It should therefore be used to display crucial and important information that you want the recruiter to notice immediately.


Dayjobs CV examples will show you:

  • What to include and what to exclude from your CV
  • What terminology to use when applying for a job.


Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result 
It has been said that one symptom of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. If you are serious about getting a job or promotion then do not stick to one CV layout and design, especially if it is not getting you invited to interviews. Keep redesigning and tweaking it until you start to see results.


Always have your CV ready
You could one day some across a vacancy that is exactly what you want and for which you are suitably qualified. In this scenario the last thing you want is to have to quickly write one in an evening. So it’s best practice to always have a up to date resume ready and waiting for any suitable job that may come along. After finishing your resume you have to distribute it widely. Click here to learn more about effective CV distribution. .


What career will suit you
Before you begin to use the CV examples on this page to write your CV spend a little time thinking about what sort of career you really want or would suit you. The worst case scenario is to spend a lot of time writing a first rate CV, applying for jobs and finally being successful only to find that you end up confused, unhappy and hating your career.

Click here for more guidance on choosing a career

Career advice when applying for public sector jobs

Career planning


The unseen benefits of writing a CV
Apart from helping you to get you invited to job interviews, there are other reasons to spend time on writing a resume. Once you start to spend time focusing on your strengths and weaknesses you will start to see:

  • What you are good at and what you are not good at.
  • It could help you to identify what you enjoy doing.
  • Putting yourself and your abilities under a microscope can help you to realize what career will best suit your personality and skill sets.
  • Help you to identify weaknesses in your skill sets that you may want to address.
  • All this reviewing will help you to reflect on your achievements to date and help you to see your career in a broad prospective.
  • You could discover skills or strengths that you never knew you had.


CV layouts
Visually attractive CV layouts are important to hiring managers, just ask yourself this question:
‘Why would a recruiter spend time reading your CV if the next one on their pile is much more attractive?’


Your job references
Think long term and plan for this in advance. Employers trying to evaluate potential employees who have got past the initial selection and interview stage will value more a good professional reliable reference rather than a poor one. Make a short list of suitable contacts and approach them, remember that you may also be asked to provide referees from your last place of work.


Downloadable Microsoft Word CV examples

Microsoft Word CV example 1

Microsoft Word CV example 2


To a hiring manager who has just read through 50 CVs applying for the same job, many CVs are undistinguishable, unremarkable and all look the same. One way to make your resume stand out from the competition is by using affirmative, positive and powerful words and phrases. They can add a more professional look to your resume and also:

  • make any statement or sentence you write stronger.
  • instantly highlight your relevant skills.
  • create a positive image of you in the recruiters mind.
  • raise the interest of a reader by helping to define your skills.
  • help to convey your message.
  • Help to create a positive influence on those who read them.

Using the correct power words in short statements can give you visibility and recognition as well as demonstrate to employers your ability to communicate effectively. When promoting yourself only use suitable words and verbs that are connected to your experience and industry. Do not pick keywords randomly and try to place them anywhere, thing carefully about what words you choose, for example a sales manager should use words such as:

  • Expanded
  • Increased
  • Launched

Whereas someone in a medical profession should consider terms such as:

  • Patient
  • Sensitive
  • Supportive


Tips when using power verbs and phrases:-

  • Use adjectives sparingly, overuse can lessen their impact.
  • Try to write them in the past tense, to describe something you have done or completed.
  • It is good practice to proof read sentences you have written.

Below are descriptive words you can use to describe your personality and make your CV even more precise and convincing. They can be integrated into sentences or used on their own with bullet points.

Words to describe your PERSONALITY

  • Addressed
  • Articulate
  • Assertive
  • Calm
  • Confident
  • Decisive
  • Determined
  • Dynamic
  • Eager
  • Energetic
  • Enthusiastic
  • Flexible
  • Friendly
  • Hardworking
  • Lively
  • Loyal
  • Mature
  • Motivated
  • Patient
  • Persistent
  • Professional
  • Responsible
  • Supportive
  • Talented
  • Thoughtful

Words can help you express your CAPABILITIES:

  • Alert
  • Diplomatic
  • Efficient
  • Imaginative
  • Ingenious
  • Ingenious
  • knowledgeable
  • Organized
  • Practical
  • Punctual
  • Quick thinking
  • Resourceful


  • Achieved
  • Acquired
  • Completed
  • Conceived
  • Conducted
  • Contributed
  • Controlled
  • Convinced
  • Created
  • Detailed
  • Directed
  • Enforced
  • Established
  • Evaluated
  • Executed
  • Expanded
  • Explored
  • Formulated
  • Gained
  • Helped
  • Identified
  • Implemented
  • Increased
  • Initiative
  • Installed
  • Invented
  • Launched
  • Led
  • Maintained
  • Monitored
  • Negotiated
  • Oversaw
  • Participated
  • Performed
  • Persuaded
  • Planned
  • Prepared
  • Presented
  • Promoted
  • Proposed
  • Recommended
  • Reduced
  • Resolved
  • Restored
  • Saved
  • Secured
  • Simplified
  • Solved
  • Supervised
  • Turned around
  • Willing
  • Won

Descriptive words that can describe your TEAMWORK:

  • Assisted
  • Co-operative
  • Delegated
  • Together


Positive descriptions
Deciding how to start a sentence can be frustrating, if you overuse the same words it can make your curriculum vitae look repetitive and stale. You need to pick different and appropriate ways to start sentences that best describe and express your abilities.

Listed below are various phrases you can use to reflect your key achievements instead of having to repeatedly writing something like ‘I’m very good at…’:-

Accustomed to doing…

An experienced…

A skillful…

Adept at promoting…

Competent in…

Committed to…

Contributed to…

Demonstrated skills in…

Exceeded sales targets by…

Exceptional at…

Familiar with …

Having an ability to…

Improved the performance of…

In addition…

Instrumental in…

Introduced a…

Possessing excellent…

Proven track record in…

Reduced costs in…

Reliable and can be…

Successful at…

Willing to…

Working knowledge of…

Wrote a new manual for…


These are also known as career profiles, summaries or objectives and are short introductions to a CV that outline a candidates strongest qualities, attributes, personal characteristics as well as their ambitions. They are important because they will be the first thing a recruiter reads and can be instrumental in convincing them to take you seriously, continue to read your application and invite you to a interview.

Personal qualities that employers look for in candidates


A personal profile aims to:

  • Quickly highlight your relevant skills that relate to the job you are applying to.
  • Grab the reader’s attention and get them interested in you.
  • Identify your Unique Selling Points.
  • Provide objectives or information that is not given in the rest of the curriculum vitae.
  • Give a prospective employer a clear idea of what you are looking for.
  • Encourage the recruiter to keep reading the rest of your CV.
  • Mention to the employer what you can do for them.
  • Demonstrate you writing skills and ability to communicate effectively.


What information should a personal profile contain?

  • What you consider to be your most appropriate and relevant skills or knowledge.
  • Include power words that will help to reinforce your abilities.
  • Brief relevant information about your background.
  • State what you are aiming for, your career ambition.
  • Explain why you believe you are the strongest candidate for he job.

Writing about your career background


Where should a personal profile be placed
For maximum exposure it should be placed at the top of the CV, so that it’s the first thing that a prospective employer sees. Your aim being to captivate the reader as quickly as possible and entice them to continue reading the rest of your resume.

How to start
Although writing a good summary may sound like a daunting prospect, it is not as difficult as it seems. The first point to note is that to be effective profiles should be brief, a maximum of two paragraphs or seven lines and no longer than 200 words long. You can make this task easier for yourself by breaking down the profile into the following three sections:-

Introduce yourself, state your personal traits, core strengths and most relevant work experience.

Explain precisely how you match the employers requirements and can benefit their organization. To save space do not provide evidence, you can give that later in your CV.

At the end state your career ambitions and aspirations for the future, mention the job role you are after.


Tips when writing a personal profile

  • Write it as the third person, not as the first person.
  • Try to connect all of the above sections so that they lead into each other and ensure that every sentence is related to the job role you are applying for.
  • After writing your profile a good leave it for a few hours then read it again, this way you can gauge if it sounds right.
  • Rewrite those sections that you are not happy with and when you are fully satisfied check it for spelling mistakes and have a friend proof read it.
  • Keep it clear and put a positive spin on it.
  • List key qualifications and achievements, although avoid bragging.


Before you begin writing anything ask yourself the following questions:

  • What work experience does the vacancy require?
  • What skills, experience and knowledge do you have that matches the vacancy requirements.
  • What are the aims for your immediate career.
  • How can you best highlight your achievements and experience in these areas?
  • Only after thinking about the above questions and writing down the answers in detail should you start to put together your profile.


What if you are also using a covering letter with your application?
A profile and cover letter have the same objective, with the only main difference between them being their length. You will have a full page to write a cover letter, whereas for a personal summary or objective you will just have two short paragraphs.

In a situation where you are sending in both to a prospective employer then it’s essential to make sure that you do not repeat yourself unnecessarily in both of these statements. A good example of how to get around this is when writing about your career objectives. In your personal profile your could state the general sector or industry that you are interested in i.e. nursing, but in your cover letter specify the actual job role i.e dental nurse.

Writing a covering letter


A word of warning
A unfocused, rambling and badly written personal profile can very easily turn off a recruiter and result in them not bothering to read the rest of your CV. Therefore avoid sounding vague and work hard to make your statement articulate, informative, focused and factual.


Examples of personal statements:
To help you along we have written the following examples to give you an idea of what they should look like:

Example 1
”A highly motivated, capable and efficient sales executive who has over seven years of experience in the car insurance industry. Hardworking and reliable with an ability to work on his own initiative as well as within a team. Results orientated and possessing a successful track record in cold calling, account management, and up selling. Previously responsible for increasing departmental sales by over 40% during a twelve month period.
Currently looking for a suitable sales executive opportunity with a exciting, ambitious and reputable company.”

Example 2
“A proactive, adaptable and focused project manager with a long track record of meeting targets within budget and to tight time scales. Having a professional attitude and able to effectively manage time, establish priorities and delegate effectively. A strategic planner who possesses over ten years experience within the construction industry and is able to work as part of a busy team and on several projects at once. A proven expert in cost control, feasibility studies, change control and managing building projects from pitch to completion.
Now seeking a challenging and interesting consultancy role with a national construction company that offers room for promotion.”

Example 3
”Caring, enthusiastic and energetic carer who has a committed and mature approach to all duties and responsibilities. Possessing a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience that has been gained over five years of working as a professional carer for both private healthcare companies and local authorities. An effective communicator with extensive knowledge of providing care for severely disabled patients, including helping with their shopping, bathing, cleaning and medication. Presently studying part time for a NVQ level in care and leadership skills.
Looking for suitable caring opportunities with a local councils or private nursing homes.”


There are various types of layouts and formats available to job seekers. The one that is going to be best for you really depends on two points, firstly what stage you are at your career and secondly where you want to go next in your career.

No matter what CV format you choose the key point to remember is to always try to target and word it at the job you are applying for.


Chronological CV format
This is the most commonly used format. It focuses on a individuals career history, for this reason it is favored by and ideal for people who have been in continuous employment for all or most of their working life. It is typically no longer than 2 pages and is good if you want to stay in the same industry and show off your promotions or experience in your field.

It essentially lists your career details under their own headings and in reverse chronological order, with the most recent being listed first.


What to include in a chronological CV
Your contact details – including home address, home and mobile telephone numbers and your email address. Some people may decide they want to present their contact details at the bottom of the CV rather than at the top. The reason for this is that they would like their personal summary to be the first thing that a employer sees and not their personal details.

Personal summary – Write a career statement of no more than 200 words explaining your strongest points and why you feel you are the best candidate for the job.

Your career history – starting with your most recent job and working backwards. At the top state the job title, followed by the company name and then the period for which you were employed. Under the job title write a short paragraphs giving a brief description of your employers business and then a more detailed explanation of your work duties. Consider using bullet points and short sentences to describe your duties and responsibilities.

Key competencies and abilities – give a breakdown by sector of your responsibilities, achievements and skills. Again depending on the layout on your curriculum vitae, consider using bullet points to emphasis these points.

Academic qualifications – List your education and give as much detail as your available space will allow your. Include the school, college or university name, the subjects your studied and your grades. There is no need to include the address or contact details of any of the educational institutions.

References – mention that these are available on request.


The advantages of a chronological CV style
If you have worked for famous brands or prestigious blue chip companies then these can be clearly highlighted in these.

If you have had a successful career and risen through the ranks then a chronological format is best for showing this.


The disadvantages of the chronological style
It may not be suitable if you have significant gaps in your career, as absences will be more prominent in the timeline.

It is not suitable for people with little or no work experience like students or graduates etc.


Functional CV layout
This skills based format will focus more on a job seekers achievements, expertise and abilities rather than their career history (which is what a chronological CV would do). For this reason is ideal if you want to draw attention to any specialist skills or abilities that you have.

In a functional CV there is less emphasis and importance placed on the names of employers and more on the specific duties you preformed. So if you have worked for prestigious employers that you would like to name drop then this may not be the best format.


What to include in a functional CV
A personal summary – give an account of your relevant work experience, transferable skills and future aims.

Areas of expertise – create sections under headings and sub headings and then using bullet points explain your range of skills. This will be the largest and most detailed part of your resume, the benefit here is that because you do not have to name employers you can include experiences that you have gained from voluntary work etc.

Career history – briefly list your present and previous employers and your employment dates. However some people may choose to leave this out and instead just mention their current or last employer.

Academic qualifications – give details of where you studied, what you achieved and when.

References – mention that these are available on request.


Advantages of a functional CV
If you have worked for many different employers for brief periods then with a functional CV you can skip having to mention all of them and instead simply sum up the overall experience and knowledge you have gained.

Use it if you have worked in different industries that are not related to each other.

It is useful if you are changing careers completely.

It allows you to focus on your strengths that you may not be able to highlight in a chronological CV.

If you have many skills or abilities then you can really show them off in this CV style.

It is useful if you have gaps in you career history that you want to hide.

If you have gained work experience or skills in the voluntary or third sector then a functional CV is good at helping you display these.


Disadvantages of a functional CV
You may not be able to highlight promotions as much as you can in other layouts.

Some human resource departments do not like this format as they may not be able to see the names of the companies you have worked for.

You can leave out employment dates and job titles, however if you do this it can make employers suspicious.

Some recruiters can find it hard to interpret or even understand.


Qualifications based CV format
If you have only recently left education for instance college or University then of course you will not have much work experience. In this scenario you could consider using a qualifications based CV format. This type of curriculum vitae layout places more emphasis on your academic achievements and your future potential as a employee rather than the little work experience you have.

This option is also suitable for people who have recently completed training for a new career and are looking to apply for jobs in their new field.


Related links:

Cover letter examples – over 50 professionally written covering letters for job applications etc.

Career advice

CV layout

Dealing with workplace stress

Diversity training

Equal opportunities policy

Explaining career gaps

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Interview tips

Job clubs

Making your CV look good

Microsoft Word CV examples

Not for profit jobs 

Trade Unions

Web designer jobs

What is age discrimination?

Workplace diversity

Copyright information – Please read

© These CV examples are the copyright of Dayjob Ltd August 2010. Job seekers may use these CV examples for their own personal use to help them create their own CVs. You are most welcome to link to this page or any other page on our site.  However these CVs must not be distributed or made available on other websites without our prior permission. For any questions relating to the use of these CV templates please email: